Thursday, March 3, 2011

And we're back!

After a temporary hiatus from our channel and our blog we are back! 
And we are so excited to!
February was a crazy busy month for us but we have so much to share with you guys!
There were lots of exciting changes for us last month, new jobs, vacations, coupon adventures, and so much more! 
Check out our new vids up on our channel
We discovered some really awesome tips and tricks last month that we want to tell you about, the first being
(drum roll) *~*~MAC Cleanse Off Oil*~*~ we seriously love this stuff, for faces and brushes its removes everything and leaves your skin silky smooth and the best part : it is great for ALL skin types! 
Just make sure that you apply it with dry hands and then it rinses off super creamy! Its fabulous!

The next ( and Amy's very favorite)  <3 MAC Paint Pots <3. These are amazing!  Ever struggle with creating that perfect eye look only to have it crease like 12 seconds later. Buh Bye Crease, Hello Flawless Eyes!! Seriously check out MAC's paint pot it's divine!  You apply it under your shadow or you can wear it alone any way you look at it you have fabulously fresh looking makeup all day!

Moving on... We loved our coupon binder this month and are seriously hoping your are loving yours too! We would love your feedback! We of course have our video on how to create your very own. Ours goes everywhere with us! I think we should give it a name... hmmm.... :-) Along with our coupon binder was our awesome deals we get from our local safeway on! No joke these are deep discounts, couple that with a manufacturers coupon and Voila $$ in your pocket!

And are last favorite things this month were our oxygen magazine which is filled with amazing ideas for healthy living and our gym membership! This magazine is filled ( literally) with tons of work out plans that you can do at home as well as recipes, but we definitely encourage you ( if you can) to invest in a gym membership you feel great and look great , and really who puts a price on health!

We hope you guys are enjoying all of our videos and are so so thankful for your support!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Couponing Adventures!!

As our couponing adventures take flight we are excited to stop and take a second to share our last couponing adventure with you!
this is a step by step on how we take on the grocery store world!!

With careful preparation we start with our shopping list of the necessities and things we are runnig low on!
Then we proceed though our  fabulous coupon binder to see if any of the things on our list and sale ads match up.
If we see any matching coupons and sales that are too good to pass up we add those to our "take to the store" coupon pile. (we also seperate the "take to the store" coupons by the stores they match up to)
This process usually takes up to an hour. (Not bad for all the money your gonna save)


From there we place our coupons in our pencil holders (still seprated by store) that are in our binder.

Then its time to get fabulous!!! Looking good and feeling good toatlly helps when your taking on the grocery giant, also people are more willing to help you out when you look your best!!

Time to put our couponing to action by taking on the store.

This couponing adventure took us to two stores walgreens and safeway.

With our list and coupon binder in hand we headed out to SAVE SOME MONEY!!
At Safeway we purchased
3 cartons of buleberries, 2 garlic bread, 2 loafs of bread, 2 half gallons of Almond milk, 2 packets of shredded cheese, 3 packets of american cheese slices, 3 bags of frozen vegatables, a box of tissue, 4 jars of pasta sause, 4 boxes of brownie mix, 1 jar of salsa, 4 6 pack cans soads, 1 thing of ketchup and 4 small bags of goldfish snacks.
so for 36 items our total with out coupons would have been a wopping $114.66

with our coupons and just for you savings we only spent *$63.75
     * but that total didnt feel right
so before we left the parking lot we went over our receipt to make sure the coupons we had came off and sure enough they didn't so we went though our receipt and highlighted the coupons that should have been taken off. we took the receipt back to the checker manager and showed him where they missed our savings and with just scanniing through our recipt we got back $ 15.10.

so we really only spent $48.65 (wooo hoo)

with the $15.10 we saved.
we took that to walgreens and purchsed.
4 boxes of sugar free jello, 6 boxes of mac and cheese and 12 cans of soup
so for 22 items our total would have been $ 27.18

with our coupons we only spent $12.02*
        * wich we used the $15.10 dollars that we got back from safeway to pay for

an amazing ending to our fabulous couponing adventure!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Make a Fabulous Coupon Binder and Kit!

We are sooo in love with our zippered Fabulous Coupon Binder (FCB) ! So here is a step by step guide on how to make your own!! Enjoy

1. You will need a zippered binder. You can find them at Target (we got ours for $9.99)

2. Pokemon / Baseball Card Holders, we have 60 sheets and it works perfectly!

3. Dividers (You will need more than 20, we promise ;-D )

4.  We alphabetize (with labels) our FCB with the following sections:
        Canned Food
        Cleaning Products
        First Aid
        Oral Care
        Paper Products

5. Make sure you have a few highlighters, pens, and pencils to keep in your FCB!

6. We also love our pink pencil holder to hold all of our coupons for the stores we are shopping at that week!

7. We also make sure to have a storage bin to keep everything organized and neat (or if you are in a rush, like everyone from time to time is, you can just toss it all in there until you have more time to organize)
We keep the following in our bin:
 Notebook of the Do's and Dont's of the shopping experience
 Loose coupons that need to be put away
 Notepad for possible shopping list making